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Exquisite Cuisine
Alihi Restaurant 阿力海百匯餐廳
Offering over a hundred international dishes and a delightful afternoon lunch, Alihi Buffet Restaurant boasts a Live Seafood Bar that serves freshly caught seafood daily. Our open kitchen prepares dishes on-site, featuring premium grilled beef, freshly carved sirloin steak, foie gras, teppanyaki, seasonal fresh fish, crabs, and Hong Kong-style roasted meats...
Operating HoursStarting from March 4, 2023, the operating hours on holidays will be changed to all-day dining. Please find below the latest updates.Time Adult Children 3-6 years of age Children 6-12 years of age Special Price for the Elderly Breakfast6:30-10:00 $480 $100 $240 Lunch on Weekdays11:30-14:00 $1180 $280 $590 $980 Dinner on Weekdays18:00-21:00 $1380 $280 $690 $1180 Meals on Weekends11:30-14:00 $1580 $280 $790 $1380 Meals on Weekends14:30-17:00 $1580 $280 $790 $1380 Meals on Weekends18:00-21:00 $1580 $280 $790 $1380
※Special prices are available for children and senior citizens (70 years old and above), and no service charge will be applied.1F